Jamie Plumb — Southampton Anaesthetics

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Jamie Plumb

Jamie Plumb

GMC Number



DipIMC, PGDip (Periop med), POETTS

Main areas of interest

My interests remain wide and varied. Presently I spend 50% of my time working with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight air ambulance. My hospital interests revolve around major trauma, emergency anaesthesia and high risk major general, specifically upper gastrointestinal surgery.

I am also interested and involved in perioperative medicine, pre-operative assessment, optimisation and shared decision making. I enjoy helping patients make informed and wise choices around the enormous decisions they have to make when having major surgery. I am one of only a few consultants to hold a diploma in perioperative medicine and to have had formal training in shared decision making.

I also have an interest in regional anaesthesia and regularly perform ultrasound guided nerve blocks of the upper and lower limbs.

Membership of learned societies

Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

Member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Member of the Faculty of pre-hospital care- Advanced Practitioner Member

Member of perioperative exercise testing and training society (POETTS)

Research interest

I underwent formal academic training within Wessex obtaining an NIHR academic clinical fellowship and then going on to undertake a PhD at the University of Southampton which is near completion.

My research focused on blood volume measurement, the important condition of anaemia and how this affects perioperative optimisation.

My research profiles: on ResearchGate is here and on Google Scholars here.

Recent publications

Krehl LM, Plumb JOM, Wachsmuth NB, Haupt S, Kumar SB, Otto JM, Schierbauer J, Grocott MPW, Montgomery HE, Schmidt WFJ. A carbon monoxide 'single breath' method to measure total haemoglobin mass: a feasibility study. Exp Physiol. 2020 Dec 28. doi: 10.1113/EP089076. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33369791.

Plumb, JOM, Otto, JM, Kumar, SB, et al. Application of the optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method for the measurement of total haemoglobin mass in chronic liver disease. Physiol Rep. 2020; 8:e14402.

RD Sanders et al (collaborator)  Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on preoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery, BJA 02/03/2019

MD McEvoy et al (collaborator) Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on postoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery, BJA 02/03/2019

Daniel I. Sessler, Joshua A. Bloomstone, Solomon Aronson, Colin Berry, Tong J. Gan, John A. Kellum, James Plumb, Monty G. Mythen, Michael P.W. Grocott, Mark R. Edwards, Timothy E. Miller, the Perioperative Quality Initiative-3 workgroup (POQI), Perioperative quality initiative consensus statement on intraoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery, BJA 27/02/2019

Gareth L Ackland et al (collaborator). Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on the physiology of arterial blood pressure control in perioperative medicine. BJA 14/02/2019

Plumb JOM, Kumar S, Otto J, Schmidt W, Richards T, Montgomery HE, Grocott MPW. Replicating measurements of total hemoglobin mass (tHb‐mass) within a single day: precision of measurement; feasibility and safety of using oxygen to expedite carbon monoxide clearance. Physiol Rep. 2018 Sep;6(17): e13829

(Collaborator) Morkane, Clare M. et al. “Intraoperative Oxygenation in Adult Patients Undergoing Surgery (iOPS): A Retrospective Observational Study across 29 UK Hospitals.” Perioperative Medicine 7 (2018): 17. PMC. Web. 20 Oct. 2018.

T Reeves, S Bates, T Sharp, K Richardson, S Bali, J Plumb, H Anderson, J Prentis, M Swart, DZH Levett. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in the United Kingdom—a national survey of the structure, conduct, interpretation and funding Perioper Med (Lond) 2018; 7 (1), 2

Grocott MPW, Plumb JOM, Edwards M, Fecher-Jones I, Levett DZH. Re-designing the pathway to surgery: Better care and added value. Periop Med (Lond) 2017; 6:9.

Otto JM, Plumb JOM, Wakeham D, Clissold E, Loughney L, Schmidt W, et al. Total haemoglobin mass, but not haemoglobin concentration, is associated with preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing-derived oxygen-consumption variables. Br J Anaesth 2017, May 1;118(5):747-54.

Otto JM, Plumb JOM, Clissold E, Kumar S, Wakeham DJ, Schmidt W, et al. Hemoglobin concentration, total hemoglobin mass and plasma volume in patients: Implications for anemia. Haematologica 2017, Jun 8.

Collaborator: Habre W, Disma N, Virag K, Becke K, Hansen TG, Jöhr M, et al. Incidence of severe critical events in paediatric anaesthesia (APRICOT): A prospective multicentre observational study in 261 hospitals in europe. Lancet Respir Med 2017, May;5(5):412-25.

Plumb JO, Taylor MG, Clissold E, Grocott MP1, Gill R- South Coast Peri-operative Audit and Research Collaboration (SPARC). Transfusion in critical care - a UK regional audit of current practice. Anaesthesia. 2017 May; 72(5):633-640.  

Teaching interest

I regularly teach on the following life support courses: ALS, APLS, ETC and ATLS. I have lectured to the university of Southampton medical students on major trauma and regularly teach registrars in theatre. 

I was fortunate to spend a year learning and delivering simulation within healthcare as a simulation fellow. I attended 2 simulation master classes. This grounding has given me insight into the importance of human factors and team resource management. I completed the flight specific CRM course in Otago, New Zealand and flew for 8 months with the Dunedin service prior to taking up my current role with HEMS

Surgeons regularly worked with

Mr George Cox. Consultant Shoulder surgeon

Hospital(s) where have practicing rights

Southampton Spire

Wessex Nuffield


I studied medicine at the University of Nottingham, qualifying in 2006. My postgraduate training has taken me from the East Midlands to New Zealand via Cornwall before spending the final six years of my anaesthetic training at the Wessex School of Anaesthesia. I became a member of the royal college of physicians in 2013, a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2014, obtained the postgraduate diploma of perioperative medicine from UCL in 2018, and also became accredited in perioperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing in that same year. I have been a Consultant at University Hospital Southampton since 2019. I started post CCT training in prehospital emergency medicine in August 2019 which will conclude in August 2021. I started a PhD in 2016 and it is in its final write up phase.

I am married and have 3 young children. I am a keen cyclist and enjoy the outdoors. 
