BUPA registration information

If you are a BUPA patient affected by SAS anaesthetists deregistering with BUPA then please read the information below.

When you agree to have an anaesthetic performed by an Anaesthetist you are entering into a contract with the Anaesthetist concerned and therefore, you are liable for any invoices that are submitted for your anaesthetic.

Individuals with private medical insurers (PMI) coverage can use their policy to pay our fees.

Some PMIs publish schedules of benefit which determine the levels of reimbursement offered to their customers for any given anaesthetic procedure. Please note that insurance companies do not determine the anaesthetic fee itself - the anaesthetic fee is set by the individual anaesthetist looking after you - not the insurance company.

Over many years, SAS’ fees have increased by the rate of inflation or less each year, as with many other aspects of life, but some PMIs have not increased the benefit / financial coverage that they provide to you. In contrast, the benefits payable for anaesthetic fees by some major PMIs have not increased substantially for 15-20 years or more; in fact some have fallen. Not surprisingly, with our fees rising at or below inflation and their benefits remaining static, a difference has arisen for many cases. In some instances, the patient is required to pay a shortfall to make up the difference. A number of major PMIs in the last 10 years have removed the ability for patients to make up the difference, imposing their historically-fixed fee schedule on Consultants.

We are currently in discussions with some PMIs around their externally-dictated fee structure, and while these are ongoing, there may be disruption to delivery of anaesthesia for some patients insured by these PMIs as a consequence. We wish to work towards a constructive solution in this process and appreciate your understanding during this time.

If you would like to speak with us about this, please get in touch.